Document & Records Management in the Age of Big Data (4 Day Course):
Course Overview:
Document & Records Management in the Age of Big Data provides understanding, tools and templates to manage information according to best practice, laws and regulations. Tools and Skills for Information Managers introduces practical learning of Project Management, Risk Management, Change Management, Procurement, Supplier Management, and Communications.
Information is an essential asset for any organisation. Managed well, it increases efficiency and quality and contributes directly to the bottom line. Information managed badly is a risk. Practical exercises will show how to manage Information well, increase efficiency and quality, and contribute directly to financial success.
This Workshop Consists of 2 (two) Parts:
Part 1: Document & Records Management in the Age of Big Data (Day 1 - 3).
Part 2: Tools & Skills for Information Managers (Day 4 - 5).
Participants can choose to attend either one of the workshops, or both workshops.
Upon registration, you are required to complete a short questionnaire related to your expectation and other issues.
Who should attend:
PART ONE: Document & Records Management in the Age of Big Data:
- CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, COOs & their PAs.
- Company Secretaries, Legal officers.
- Directors and Managers of regulated dept. Managers from regulated industries.
- Managers planning M&As, Divestments or business expansions.
- Staff preparing for promotion to these levels, Document Controllers, Administrative Officers, Archivists, Records Managers.
- Staff who need to influence or inform their Chief Officers at these levels, Document Controllers, Administrative Officers, Archivists, Records Managers.
PART TWO: Tools & Skills for Information Managers
- Staff responsible for information, Records, Information Security or Retention.
- Change Managers, Project Managers.
- Staff from IT who design, configure or maintain systems for information users.
For further information pls. contact:
Training Manager
360BSI Group(INDIA Office)
Tel: +91-40-40202302
Email :
"Learning is a continuation process..when learning stop growth stop."